If you’re anything like me, business means more than just chasing money. It’s about having a purpose, using your talents to help others, and staying true to your spiritual values. Being an entrepreneur isn’t just about finances – it’s about heeding the call to make a positive mark on the world.

But here’s the thing: when you’re constantly stressed and swamped by the day-to-day grind of running your business, it’s hard to really tap into your full potential. Dealing with all the operational details can distract you from being the boss and embracing your true expertise. This struggle might be familiar to you – it’s so real that we use phrases like “wearing multiple hats” and “hustle and grind” like they’re something to be proud of. Long workdays, juggling a million tasks, and chasing that mythical work-life balance have become the standard. But this so-called norm restricts us so much, and takes away the very freedom that entrepreneurship should bring.

That sounds a lot more like striving than thriving.

In previous posts, I talked about flourishing personally, professionally, and financially, and how your business can be the key to these aspects of your life. However, how can your business boost your spiritual well-being? By having an overall positive impact on your life.

Here’s what flourishing spiritually looks like:

You have room for Number One. God is infinitely more important than the work we do for Him. Work should never prevent us from having quiet time, praying, or reading the Bible. If we’re too busy for time with God, we’re too busy!!!

You’re working in your gift. Everyone has gifts, skills, and talents. Those gifts and talents are often what drive us to start a business – doing what we love and are gifted in to serve and bless others. Our greatest impact comes from working in our gift and focusing on our mission, not being distracted or overwhelmed by the details/business side of things.

You’re operating with excellence – For me, business is a form of worship. It is my ministry. I don’t think I should do business any kind of way. How I treat people, how I present my brand online, the quality of my materials and website, how I manage my business budget, all of these matter.

You’re growing in reach and revenue – A very obvious sign of flourishing is that you’re actually growing! Your client roster, subscriber list, followers, or monthly revenues should be moving in a positive direction. It may go up and down, and it may grow slower than you’d like it to, but growth is a great sign.

You’re sowing back into your business and into the lives of others – Flourishing in business also means being able to sow back into both your business and your community. As your business thrives, you’re just as focused on making a positive impact on the lives of others as you are on profits. This might involve giving back to your community through charitable activities, partnerships, or initiatives that align with your values.

By sowing back into your business, you’re investing in its growth and sustainability. Continuously improving your products or services, investing in employee development and training, and staying up-to-date with industry trends are all part of it. This process of giving and investing creates a cycle of growth that not only benefits you financially, but also strengthens your connection with your purpose and the people you serve.

You have the freedom to explore what’s next – When your business operations are streamlined and efficient, you’re better positioned to explore new avenues and creative possibilities. The ability to innovate and experiment with new ideas is a hallmark of a flourishing entrepreneur. This could mean expanding your product or service offerings, venturing into new markets, or even exploring collaborations with like-minded individuals or businesses.

By feeling free to explore new opportunities, you’re nurturing your entrepreneurial spirit and keeping your passion alive. This sense of freedom encourages continuous growth, and removes the limitations that stress and operational burdens can impose.

Your business promotes healthy relationships – Business success should never come at the expense of your relationships! In fact, a flourishing business should enhance your relationships by providing you with the time and emotional energy to nurture them. When you’re less stressed and overwhelmed by the demands of running your business, you’re more present and engaged with your loved ones. Everyone wins!

Additionally, a flourishing business can foster connections with other entrepreneurs, collaborators, and mentors who share your values and vision. Networking and building strong relationships within your industry can provide you with invaluable support, insights, and opportunities for growth.

When you’re flourishing spiritually, everything in your life, relationships, and business flow with ease and joy. Remember to place God first, work within your gifts and talents, operate with excellence, and give back to your community. You can THRIVE in your business, and leave the striving behind.