As a solopreneur, you have lots of ideas about your business. You may want it to become a global empire, with millions of dollars in revenue. Maybe you want it to comfortably provide for your family. Or maybe you want some extra cash for vacations and holidays.

You have ideas of where you want it to go. And you know you can get there – but having that vision in writing will help pave the way.

A vision statement gives you a roadmap to success. It helps you clarify your goals and dreams, and guides your decisions as your business grows, and as you grow as a business owner. It can also be an amazing motivator for you, helping you go beyond your limiting thoughts to truly flourish.

But first, what’s a vision statement?

Vision Statement versus Mission Statement

The words “mission” and “vision” are used a lot when talking about business, and the terms can easily be confused. So let’s talk about it.

A mission statement focuses on the present. It answers the question, “Why do we exist?”

A vision statement focuses on the future. It answers the question, “What do we want to become?”

Both are important, but I’m going to talk about them separately. I’m going to focus on creating your business vision this week and next, and talk about your business mission in the weeks following.

How do you start writing a business vision statement?

Right now, the future may be pretty nebulous. So take some time to think. Get a cup of coffee or tea. Break out the journal, a new document on your computer, or a voice recorder. Meditate or pray for a few minutes. Let your thoughts roam. Then start asking yourself some questions.

  • How do I see the future of this business?
  • Where am I now?
  • Where do I want my business to be in one year? Five years? 10 years?
  • How do I want to get there?
  • What are my long-term goals?
  • Why is this important to me?

Get it down. Get it all down. Don’t worry if it’s scary, don’t worry if it’s small. Remember, as a solopreneur, you have the freedom to make your business whatever you want! So dream as big or as small as feels good and right to you, and only you.

Once you have some thoughts down, set them aside. This vision statement is going to be guiding your business for years to come, so let’s not rush it. If more ideas come to you, add them to the list.

Next week, I’ll talk about what to do with all these amazing ideas you have. This is going to be so fun!