July is Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, and as entrepreneurs, we need to be more aware of our mental health!
Running a business is an adventure – the flexibility, the freedom, the power, the control. But, it can also be tremendously overwhelming. We often work way too many hours, then stretch ourselves out to be everything for everyone. All that work and stretching can send our stress levels through the roof! We’re so busy taking care of everyone and everything else, we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves.
Let’s take a look at what we mean by mental health, the special challenges faced by entrepreneurs, and ways we can take better care of ourselves.
What is mental health?
Mental health is about a person’s emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It can influence how we handle stress, make choices, and interact with others. Being mentally healthy is more than simply not being mentally ill. It means having a positive sense of self, being able to cope with everyday challenges, maintaining healthy relationships, and being able to bounce back when times are tough.
What are the mental health challenges that solopreneurs face?
Being an entrepreneur can be very isolating, especially when you’re a team of one. We don’t have colleagues to chat with by the water cooler, and we mostly communicate with our clients by email or virtual meetings. This can cause us to feel disconnected, which can negatively impact us mentally.
In addition, we have to wear so many hats in our business. We’re the marketing team, the sales team, the CEO, the accountant, the list goes on and on. It can easily become overwhelming.
Not only that, but there is so much pressure! Our income can fluctuate from one month to the next, we make every decision, and we have little or no support from others – they just don’t get it! The stress and pressure prevent us from taking the breaks we desperately need, because we’re terrified of failing.
How can we take better care of ourselves?
The first step is the hardest – take a step back! Make and maintain a schedule for work and play, time for clients and time for self, space for family and friends, and space for you alone. By setting boundaries and keeping them, you establish that you are worthy of relaxation, play, and time to just do nothing.
Self-care can be so simple! A walk outside for 10 minutes, a cup of tea and relaxing, a few minutes of prayer or meditation. It can be a bubble bath, that new book you’ve been longing to read, or an action movie! Caring for yourself is just as important as taking care of your clients and family. After all, if you don’t take care of yourself, how will you take care of them?
Stress management is so important! And there are many options to choose from – meditation, contemplative prayer, journaling. You can even explore hobbies like gardening, cooking, coloring or dancing, which can release your happy hormones and reduce stress. Whatever you choose, stress management is key to rejuvenating and resetting your mind.
Lastly, ask for help! Mentors, coaches, and fellow solopreneurs can be an amazing support system for you. They understand the stress and isolation that comes with having your own business. And remember, therapy is excellent for helping you when everything is just too much.
As entrepreneurs, taking care of our mental health is essential for our long-term success and our well-being. By prioritizing self-care, managing stress, and seeking support, we can navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship while preserving our sanity. Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Take care of yourself, have compassion for yourself, and watch your business flourish!