When you’re a solopreneur, you have to make the most of your resources. There’s only so much of you to go around, so wisely allocating your time, energy, and money just makes good business sense and helps prevent business owner burnout. That’s why taking steps to streamline and automate your processes is so important. The more efficiently your business operates, the more you maximize your resources, and the more energy you have for the work you love.

Your website plays a big role in this, especially when it’s built to boost your brand and your productivity. A pretty website is nice, but a website that facilitates your everyday business processes is even better. I believe, if you’re going to invest in having a website designed, that website better make your life easier and your business more efficient.

Here are 6 ways to make your website work for you.

Create a FAQ page. Here, you can address things potential clients might want to know about, like turnaround times, policies, how you work, communication preferences, and more. This can cut down on the amount of time you spend answering the same questions over and over.

Build and use forms. Forms can help streamline your processes and allow you to gather useful information from your clients or prospects. Think beyond simple contact forms. You can use forms to gather information needed to launch a project, intake questionnaires, or feedback/evaluation purposes.

Integrate your CRM. Hopefully, you’re using a CRM to manage your clients and leads. If so, find ways to connect and integrate your CRM with your website. Not only can you embed lead generation forms, but some CRMs allow you to gain useful data about how your clients or potential clients interact with your website, like when they visit a page and how long they stay there. You can use this data to support future outreach efforts.

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Centralize all your content. Think of your website as your online home or the hub of your brand. It should be the single place online where your target audience can connect and learn about you. Social pages are great and serve a purpose, but they have limitations. Your website can not only link to your social profiles but can also demonstrate your expertise as you share videos, articles, news, and events on your blog or other pages. This keeps your website fresh, helps your search engine ranking, and gives potential clients a centralized place to engage with your brand.

Embed your scheduling/booking tool. If you’re using an online scheduling/booking tool to automate appointment scheduling with clients, then you should be able to embed this tool on your website. You can use most of these tools independently, but embedding on your website makes it easier for clients to get on your calendar and keeps website traffic on your site (and not the tool’s URL). If you’re not using a booking tool, apps like Calendly, SimplyBook.me, or Microsoft Bookings are a few options.

Add payment capability. When possible, include payment links, embedded checkout, or other e-commerce solutions to your website. Whether you offer products, services, or a combination of both, giving your customers the ability to browse and buy on your website is critical in the post-COVID marketplace. Payment functionality can boost your conversion rate and save time by automating the invoicing process.

Optimizing your website’s functionality is just one way to make your life as a solopreneur a little easier. I hope you’ve found these tips to be helpful, and I’d love to hear about your experience and results with these or other ways to leverage your website. Drop a comment below!