As an entrepreneur, there are so many things you have to do and stay on top of that it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and like you’ll never get it all done. And while some of this is simply the cost of being the boss, there are ways to manage your to-dos so you don’t feel like you’re crumbling under the weight of your responsibilities. Here are four right-now strategies to help you overcome the overwhelm and keep moving forward:

Get organized. Do you have action items buried in different notebooks (or written on napkins)? Do your to-do lists have lists of their own? Are sticky notes taking over your workspace? One of the most effective things you can do is to organize all of your action items into one place. Your list may be long, but combining everything into one organized list will keep important items from being overlooked. I personally like to use ClickUp, because not only can I keep all my to-dos together, I can group them by topic (e.g. Marketing, Relationship Management), set priority levels, assign deadlines with reminders, keep track of progress, and save related resources (like helpful links) all in one place. Even if you don’t use ClickUp, you can still organize your action items into a single Word or Google doc, Excel spreadsheet, or mobile app of your choice.

Get focused. The list you’ve compiled in Step 1 will continue to be overwhelming unless you strategically begin to work through those action items. The best way to do this is by getting focused with your time. I find it extremely helpful to block time on my calendar for working IN my business. Create a meeting for yourself and commit to getting uninterrupted work done during that time. When you schedule your blocks of time, be specific about what action items or area of business you’re going to work on. For me, I have every Friday from 8-12 blocked for course and content development. It’s not always perfectly executed, but it does put me in a more focused mindset, which helps me to be more productive. Maybe you decide to block next Tuesday from 8-9 for one of your high-priority tasks or every Monday afternoon for client engagement. Being intentional and focusing your attention in this way will help you accomplish what needs to be done and decrease the likelihood of productivity paralysis or procrastination.

Get help. Entrepreneurship is too big to do alone, no matter how much of a high achiever you are, how efficient you are, or how dedicated you are. There are some things that can (and should) be handed off to someone else who can do them faster, better, or more cost-effectively than doing them yourself. Website management, bookkeeping, social media, marketing activities, and administrative tasks are just some of the things that may make sense to outsource to someone else. And you don’t have to hire an employee to reap the benefits of delegation. Freelancing sites like Upwork and Fiverr are great resources. You can also hire a consultant/independent contractor or virtual assistant to manage these things for you on a regular basis. Allowing others to use their gifts frees you to operate in your own.

Get real. Realistic, that is. The truth is that starting and running your own business is a big deal. There is a lot to do. It does require a lot of time and energy. It is what it is. And you are what you are – a human being who is more than just an entrepreneur. Realize that, while you may feel like you need to be Superwoman/Superman sometimes, the cape and its abilities are fictional. You’re a regular mortal who needs rest, relaxation, recharging, and respite from business every now and then. You will not accomplish everything on your list today, this week, this month, or maybe even this year. But you will accomplish what you need when you need to. Be realistic about the expectations you put on yourself and give yourself some grace and space to just BE.


What are some of the ways you manage your responsibilities as an entrepreneur? Let me know in the comments!